Dean of the College of Arts & Humanities
Tim Caron, Ph.D.
North Library, 5th Floor; Room 5090
Welcome to the College of Arts and Humanities!
I spend a lot of time talking to prospective students and their families about our campus and our college, and I always say the same thing…what makes our college such a remarkable place to work, study, and create is that we make meaning out of the world around us. In both our Arts programs and in our Humanities programs, our world-class faculty cultivate knowledge, skills, dispositions, and habits of mind in our students that will help them to promote inclusion and social justice in our 21st century world. In our University Art Gallery, in our concert hall, on our theatre stage, and in countless digital spaces, our students and faculty create meaning and search for what is just, true, equitable, and beautiful. Similarly, the students and faculty in our Humanities programs ask penetrating questions about justice, truth, beauty, and the good. The pursuit of these questions and our steadfast commitment to these values will ensure that our future is more equitable and inclusive than our present. Our graduates use their creativity and critical inquiry skills to address the challenges of 21st century life. What we are doing in the College of Arts and Humanities gives me hope for the future.
It is my hope that you will study with us, make art with us, perform with us, write with us…that you will pursue your creativity and your intellectual curiosity in our courses and at our events and thereby find a bit more meaning in your own life and in the world around you.